Picturing Wonderland reflects a collaboration between the filmmakers and Maud Rowell, an experimental snapshot of the experience of living with a degenerative blindness. The film explores Maud’s fascinating relationship with the colours of the world around her as well as the use of the medium of analogue photography as a form of documentation and hobby. Shot on 16mm colour film by Finn Boxer, incorporating hand crafted animation techniques by Ana Studios, lighting design by Satu Streatfield and an original score by Patrick Fitzgerald, Picturing Wonderland provides the viewer with a deeply sensual portrait. Running through the film is a monologue narrated by Maud herself, a wonderfully written and powerful piece of prose detailing her own experience with blindness, colour and photography.
Whale Wash – The Forgotten Whale
A maritime investigations team led by ESPA's Chief Operating Officer Pete Carr, pursues Norwegian whaling vessels at sea and films the whalers unethical hunting methods, and ESPA investigator Hannah interviews marine biologists, whaling experts and whaler skippers, to...